Browse Articles By Tag: list marketing
Also known as the “name squeeze page” or “lead capture page”, you can build your mailing list by funneling all of your would-be subscribers through the creation of a landing page. Not only do you do the work just once, your traffic driving efforts can be...
01.01.2014 · From KarenWheately
I am sure that you have definitely come across advertisements that read: “1,000,000 email addresses for $29.99”. And these bulk mail companies can even offer you these names in a CD at your doorstep. (...)
30.12.2013 · From KarenWheately
How would you like to send your commercial emails to people you do not know, but are expecting to receive such mail from you? Wait a minute. That does not sound right. How can this be? It is simple, if you know what is really going on. (...)
25.12.2013 · From KarenWheately
Here is a little used technique you can implement to build your mailing list for no additional cost. I call it “using subscribers to make subscribers” like much in the context of “using money to make money”. (...)
24.12.2013 · From KarenWheately
How would you like to send your commercial emails to people you do not know, but are expecting to receive such mail from you? Wait a minute. That does not sound right. How can this be? It is simple, if you know what is really going on. (...)
19.12.2013 · From KarenWheately
With the awareness of the importance of list building, comes a recent Internet Marketing trend which was started just a couple of years ago for the mutual benefits of all Internet Marketers and mailing list owners. (...)
19.12.2013 · From KarenWheately
You can build your list simply by writing articles, whether you have thought of it or not. Quite simply, you write and submit your articles on your topic of expertise or business nature to popular article directories where eZine publishers and readers are looking for...
18.12.2013 · From KarenWheately
Here is a little used technique you can implement to build your mailing list for no additional cost. I call it “using subscribers to make subscribers” like much in the context of “using money to make money”. (...)
11.12.2013 · From KarenWheately
Some Internet Marketers can get clueless when it comes to unleashing the full potential of paid eZine advertising. One of the most common dilemmas is that whether should the Internet Marketer advertise the product or service he is selling directly to the subscribers...
09.12.2013 · From KarenWheately
Aside from pre-selling your products and affiliated offers, the other purpose of your free viral report should be to build your mailing list. This is because if you are unable to pre-sell, let alone sell, the products and services featured in your free report, the...
08.12.2013 · From KarenWheately
With the awareness of the importance of list building, comes a recent Internet Marketing trend which was started just a couple of years ago for the mutual benefits of all Internet Marketers and mailing list owners. (...)
07.12.2013 · From KarenWheately
Permission is not an optional extra, but is the basic apparatus in email marketing. Permission is the key component in gaining recipient trust, optimizing deliverability and getting investment returns. It is practiced by all legitimate email marketers. (...)
13.10.2013 · From KarenWheately
It requires dreadfully hard work to build a robust, responsive and high-quality mailing list. Just flooding thousands of emails to the list of recipients in the database won’t do the trick. (...)
07.10.2013 · From KarenWheately
A lot depends on what you are putting in the subject line when sending a marketing email. It can make or break your email marketing campaign. The receivers are fed up of getting emails like “download this software for free” or “upgrade for free” or “RE: some...
01.10.2013 · From KarenWheately
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